Reasons Behind The Popularity Of AngularJS Framework

We are way past the days of cluttered websites, broken links, as well as unresponsive websites. The modern web development era is here; and, it seems like the web development community has embraced it quite well. All the due credit goes to the tech giants across the world. Besides, AngularJS is one of the few frameworks, brought into existence by tech messiah: Google, which helps in building feature-rich single web applications. Furthermore, AngularJS provides a platform to create faster, more responsive, interactive, and dynamic web applications.

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework that extends the HTML, DOM with additional attributes to the next level. Not only this framework helps in making the elements scalable and responsive to the user’s actions but also helps to use HTML as a template language, creating a RICH internet application, offering the developers a client-side application. Basically, the intent behind developing this framework is to simplify the process of web development.

From a business standpoint, the AngularJS framework provides equal opportunities to different businesses by rendering precise results according to the requirements of diverse business models. For instance, websites like Netflix, LEGO, The Guardian, PayPal, and many others are built on this platform.

Furthermore, AngularJS has stood the test of time and proved itself as a leader with full marks among the web developers community. AngularJS developers have the fair advantage of eliminating much of the code that has to be written; all credit goes to data binding and dependency injection of the AngularJS framework.

The framework also offers various directives for customizing the features to suit the enterprise’s unique development workflow and feature needs. Furthermore, AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for the application. Therefore, the outcome is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and very quick to develop. The technology is now more popular than other JavaScript frameworks such as Node.js, Ember.js, and react.js.

“By 2017, 87% of the worldwide smart connected device market will be tablets and smartphones, with PCs (both desktop and laptop) being 13% of the market. – IDC Research”

But, among various other frameworks, why AngularJS is gaining humongous popularity? Is it because it’s backed up by Google? Or because of its variety of important features? Let’s know the reasons for this massive popularity:

  • 1. Two-way Data Binding

  • Two-way data binding allowed the developers to separate application logic from the Document Object Model; therefore, enabling ease in the testing process done by the developer. This way two-way data binding greatly lessens the amount of boilerplate code that is written to keep the model and view in sync. It is the pivotal reason for AngularJS to be renowned as MVVM.
  • 2. Smooth HTML Handling

  • Designers and developers can work in sync, as HTML is used for templating. Moreover, the extensions in AngularJS to HTML are done by using ng-directives (such as ng-bind, ng-controller, ng-class, etc).
  • While web designers can create outstanding UI & UX, the developers can tie user interface components with data models by using declarative binding syntax. Therefore, by declaring the user interface, the chances for having side effects (an unexpected change that causes ruinous results) are reduced.
  • 3. Trusted Among Various Industries

  • Almost every business requires a web presence to survive in this cut-throat competitive world. The consumers are spending 90% of their time on the device that they hold 24*365*7 in their hands. Whether it’s a CEO of a multinational corporation or a high school kid, businesses want to reach every prospective customer. For this, the AngularJS framework comes as a rescue for building reliable and authentic web applications.
  • This framework is trusted among many industries including sports, transportation, productivity, health & fitness, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, and weather.
  • 4. Testing-Friendly Framework

  • With great unit testing readiness, AngularJS makes context-based communication possible; therefore, any size of the project can be easily handled. Besides, Dependency Injection (DI) manages the controllers and scopes, linking the whole of Angular together. Furthermore, since the DI helps to pass the information to the controller, testing the web apps becomes an easy process.
  • Also, with the comprehensive ability to address the multiple needs of single-page application development, AngularJS incurs low development costs, SEO friendliness, high development speed, and fast cycles of software release. This way, AngularJS makes a lot of business sense.
  • 5. Benefits of Directives

  • In Angular, the developer can structure the source code by following the Model View ViewModel or Model-View-Controller. Also, Angular brings additional functionality to HTML with the help of certain directives. You can create and use HTML elements in dynamic web applications. You just put the code for DOM manipulation into the directives and separate them from the MVC of your app.
  • Post this, MVC will update the view with new data. In short, directives are standalone, reusable elements that perform DOM manipulations instead of the central controller doing it directly. The web development community across the globe has embraced this kind of flexibility.
  • 6. Appealing to New Programmers as a Better Career Opportunity

  • The job prospect for Web developers around the globe in the field of this AngularJS framework is humongous and ever-increasing. Businesses are hunting for talented individuals who can fulfill their requirements. Most importantly, the remuneration for the ones working in this field is also attractive.

Closing Thoughts

AngularJS has become an in-demand platform in today’s marketplace because it is backed by the tech giant Google and provides ample opportunities to create AngularJS development services.Talking from a business standpoint, AngularJS is an ideal choice for enterprise development; and, this front-end framework’s focus mainly lies on code quality and test-ability, which is quintessential in the web development domain. Keeping some minor issues aside, like in any other framework, AngularJS is really great for developers. Thus, Angular is more popular than any other framework out there.